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RENEXPO® - the 14th international trade fair is the meeting point of the Cogeneration industry


Wed, 09/25/2013 - 22:00 to Sat, 09/28/2013 - 22:00



Event Type

L - Conference, forum

Organiser type

Federations / Associations


Innovation & Enterprise
Trade & Society

Event Location


Event Description

26.-29.09.2013 - Augsburg, Germany, Trade Fair Centre

The RENEXPO®’s success story goes on! The RENEXPO® is known as one of the most important energy trade fairs in Europe dealing with all topics concerning renewable energies and energy efficiency. Facts and figures 2012 you can read here!

It covers every aspect of renewable energy production, intelligent energy distribution, efficient energy utilisation and innovative energy storage as well as green services.

As the gateway to Eastern-Europe, the RENEXPO® is the key energy platform for the Central and Eastern European region.

The exhibition focuses on

  • cogeneration,
  • biomass
  • wood energy
  • solar energy - photovoltaic
  • heat pump technology and
  • innovations in the energy sector.

All themes of the trade fair  >>>

The industry's venue no. 1 -This is where you find Germany's Cogeneration Industry!

RENEXPO® is presenting the entire spectrum of subjects for the sector of cogeneration of heat and power: Innovations from the area of micro-, mini-, medium sized or large, oil or gas operated cogeneration unit, local heat and district heat, plus modified requirements such as a modulatable operational mode or also virtual powerhouse conceptions...already tangible.

In the frame of the cooperation between Cogen Europe and RENEXPO® the members of the association will get special reduced for the RENEXPO® in Augsburg. See attached file.

Reduced fee for the international cogeneration conference:
7th Conference on decentralized mini and micro cogeneration - 27 September 2013

To valid your special rate, you just have to write the following code on the conference registration form: REN13COEU

Free tickets to the trade fair:
Register as a visitor to the RENEXPO® and you will get a free ticket, you can visit the trade fair free of charge. Forward it to your partners, the link is limitless forwardable.

Contact & Information:      
REECO Group - International Department



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