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How to Detect & Manage Irregularities in EAFRD and EAGF


21 Oct 2012 22:00


Arcotel John FWerderscher Markt 1110117

Event Type

L - Conference, forum

Organiser type

Federations / Associations


Agriculture & Food

Event Location


Event Description

Correct financial management of Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) funds is essential in order to avoid reimbursements. In June the European Commission announced to claim back a total of € 426 million of CAP payments from Member States that have inadequate control procedures on agricultural expenditure.

Participants will be able to:

  • familiarise themselves with the specific legal framework of irregularities in EAFRD and EAGF 
  • learn from practical examples how to identify an irregularity
  • learn how to report an irregularity and an exception
  • benefit from the workshop on Public Procurement Rules in EAFRD and EAGF
  • become familiar with the benefits of Data Analytics for detecting irregularities and fraud Experts from the
  • UK Co-ordinating Body, United Kingdom
  • Austrian Paying Agency, Agrarmarkt Austria
  • Rural Support Service, Latvia
  • Agriculture and Horticulture Development Board, United Kingdom will guide attendees trough intensive practical sessions.


European Union Agency for the Space Programme (EUSPA)
Service Engineer
A.I.S.E. aisbl
Communications Intern
Policy Officer
Airlines for Europe
Policy Traineeship
BEUC- the European Consumer Organisation
Administrative Assistant
Clean Air Task Force
Consultant – Germany Affairs