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How to Detect & Manage Irregularities in EAFRD and EAGF


21 Oct 2012 22:00


Arcotel John FWerderscher Markt 1110117

Event Type

L - Conference, forum

Organiser type

Federations / Associations


Agriculture & Food

Event Location


Event Description

Correct financial management of Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) funds is essential in order to avoid reimbursements. In June the European Commission announced to claim back a total of € 426 million of CAP payments from Member States that have inadequate control procedures on agricultural expenditure.

Participants will be able to:

  • familiarise themselves with the specific legal framework of irregularities in EAFRD and EAGF 
  • learn from practical examples how to identify an irregularity
  • learn how to report an irregularity and an exception
  • benefit from the workshop on Public Procurement Rules in EAFRD and EAGF
  • become familiar with the benefits of Data Analytics for detecting irregularities and fraud Experts from the
  • UK Co-ordinating Body, United Kingdom
  • Austrian Paying Agency, Agrarmarkt Austria
  • Rural Support Service, Latvia
  • Agriculture and Horticulture Development Board, United Kingdom will guide attendees trough intensive practical sessions.