Donnerstag, 22. Juni 2017, 18.00 Uhr - 21.00 Uhr
Kenya: A lion on the go! (Europe+Kenya)
Event Type
Event Location
Event Description
The event Europe+Kenya organised by EurActiv Germany in cooperation with the Embassy of the Rebulic of Kenya, Boehringer Ingelheim and the German African Business Association will focus on the following topic:
Kenya: A lion on the go! - Innovative business models in Kenya
The global debate on social innovative business models is of central importance for companies as well as the governments of Kenya and Germany; albeit from different angles and possibly with varying objectives.
The embassy talks will address the economic situation in Kenya and different perspectives, objectives and expectations.
The following key questions are intended to guide the discussion:
- What is the economic situation in Kenya and what are the opportunities for German investors?
- Which reforms and challenges is Kenya facing and what role could the EU play?
- How can innovative business models support economic cooperation between Germany and Kenya more effective?
- Can bilateral initiatives between companies and industrial sectors in Germany and Kenya (or measures between both countries) supplement existing measures of the European Union - or might these even be more efficient?
- How can added value within Kenya lead to the creation of prosperity in rural areas?
Preliminary programe:
08:30 - 09:00 Registration and reception
09:00 - 10:30 Discussion with:
- Natascha Weisert, Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ)
- H.E. Ken Nyauncho Osinde, Embassy of the Rebulic of Kenya
- Asmau Nitardy, German-African Business Association
- Andreas Lämmel, German Parliament
- Dr. Michael Rabbow, Boehringer Ingelheim
- Samuel Agutu, Changamka Microhealth Ltd.
- Michael Gahler, European Parliament
10:30 - 11:00 Networking
If you want to take part in this workshop, please fill in this form before the 12th of October 2014.
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